Group Dynamics in the Language Classroom - Zoltán Dörnyei, Tim Murphey
- Dodał: administrator
- Data: 12:33 12-11-2018
- Kategoria: Popularnonaukowa
The study of 'group dynamics' is a vibrant academic field, overlapping diverse disciplines. It is also highly relevant to language education because the success of classroom learning is very much dependent on how students relate to each other, what the classroom climate is like, what roles the teacher and the learners play and, more generally, how well students can co-operate and communicate with each other. This innovative book addresses these issues and offers practical advice on how to manage language learner groups in a way that they develop into cohesive and productive teams.
data wydania | 2009 (data przybliżona) | ||
kategoria | popularnonaukowa | ||
ISBN | 9780521529716 | ||
język | angielski |
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