Designing Efficient BPM Applications. A Process-Based Guide for Beginners - McKinty Christine, Mottier Antoine

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  • Data: 13:48 08-11-2018
  • Kategoria: Technika
Designing Efficient BPM Applications. A Process-Based Guide for Beginners - McKinty Christine, Mottier Antoine

Looking for efficiency gains in your business? If a business analyst, this practical guide will show you how to design effective business process management (BPM) applications. Every business uses business processes-these everyday tasks help you gain and retain customers, stay profitable, and keep your operations infrastructure functioning.BPM specialists Christine McKinty and Antoine Mottier show you step-by-step how to turn a simple business procedure into an automated, process-based application. Using hands-on examples, you...ll quickly learn how to create an online process that...s easy to use. Each chapter builds on earlier material.You don...t have to have any programming experience to design business processes-and if you have skills in designing workflows and understanding human interactions with processes, you already have a headstart.Through the course of this book, you will:Build a prototype of an application pageCreate the most frequent use flow in a process, and define the data modelGenerate real process forms and produce the first version of the applicationConnect your application to external information systems, and then build and test the complete application źródło opisu: Helion źródło okładki: Helion

kategoria technika
data wydania 7 marca 2016
ISBN 9781491924662
język polski
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