Beowulf & Other Stories: A New Introduction to Old English, Old Icelandic and Anglo-Norman Literature - Richard North, Joe Allard

Beowulf & Other Stories: A New Introduction to Old English, Old Icelandic and Anglo-Norman Literature - Richard North, Joe Allard

'Beowulf' & Other Stories is a new introduction to the study of Old English consisting of fifteen essays, each written by an expert in the field, that cover the many diverse facets of Old English. 'Beowulf' & Other Stories has been conceived in the firm belief that Old English - and its close cousins, Old Icelandic and Anglo-Norman - should be seen as a genuine delight, a period as replete with wonder, creativity and magic as any other in literature. The book discusses a vast range of subjects, from the fire and bloodlust of the great epic, Beowulf, and the sophistication and eroticism of the Exeter Riddles, to fresh interpretations of the spiritual ecstasy of The Seafarer and the imaginative dexterity of The Dream of the Rood. 'Beowulf' & Other Stories provides students with all they might need to explore and enjoy this complex but rewarding field. Written throughout with verve, panache and a deep understanding of its subject, 'Beowulf' & Other Stories is set to be the standard introduction to the field for many years to come. Features - Offers an entirely new approach to an old and complex discipline, focusing on the heroic work before the Christian - Illuminates the shadowy contexts of the period, with essays on matters ranging from the dynamism of the Viking Age to Anglo-Saxon input into Lord of the Rings - 'Beowulf' & Other Stories also branches out into related traditions, with expert introductions to the Icelandic Sagas, Viking Religion and Norse Mythology. - Peter S. Baker provides an outstanding guide to taking your first steps in the Old English language - David Crystal provides a crisp linguistic overview of the entire period - Illustrated with colour photographs throughout Table of Contents 1. Why read Old English Literature? An Introduction to this Book Richard North, David Crystal and Joe Allard Names to Look Out For Joe Allard and Richard North 2. Is it relevant? Old English Influence on The Lord of the Rings Clive Tolley 3. Is violence what OE poetry is about? Beowulf and Other Battlers: an introduction to Beowulf Andy Orchard 4. Is there more like Beowulf? Old English Minor Heroic Poems Richard North 5. What else is there? Joyous Play and Bitter Tears: the Riddles and the Elegies Jennifer Neville 6. How Christian is OE literature? The Dream of the Roodand Anglo-Saxon Northumbria Éamonn © Carragáin and Richard North 7. How did OE literature start? Cædmon the Cowherd and Old English Biblical Verse Bryan W. Wyly 8. Were all the poets monks? Monasteries and Courts: Alcuin and Offa Andy Orchard 9. Did the Anglo-Saxons write fiction? Old English prose: King Alfred and his books Susan Irvine 10. How difficult is the OE language? The Old English language Peter S. Baker 11. When were the Vikings in England? Viking Wars and The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle Jayne Carroll Noteson the Old Norse Language Richard North 12. What gods did the Vikings worship? Viking religion: Old Norse mythology Terry Gunnell 13. Just who were the Vikings anyway? Sagas of Icelanders Joe Allard 14. Were there sagas in OE literature? Prose Writers of the English Benedictine Reform Stewart Brookes 15. What happened when the Normans arrived? Anglo-Norman literature: the road to Middle English Patricia Gillies Epilogue The end of Old English? David Crystal źródło opisu: Pearson Longman, 2007 źródło okładki:

kategoria językoznawstwo, nauka o literaturze
data wydania kwiecień 2007 (data przybliżona)
ISBN 9781405835725
język angielski
słowa kluczowe literatura staroangielska, old english
liczba stron 560
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